Hello Summer Produce
This week marks the last cool night of the season, or until this fall. We are really soaking up this pleasant weather--and I hope you are too! We are really looking forward to putting away all the wire hoops, row cover, and sandbags!
This week we are really seeing the summer crops thrive. here is a list of plants that are really doing well: Okra, Hibiscus, Eggplant, Garlic Scapes, Zucchini, Napa Cabbage, Corn, Peppers
These crops are all looking great.
-Tips From Ashley's Kitchen-
Ashley did a great recipe on raw Rubbed Kale Salad. It's our whole family's #1 way to eat Kale check it out here. When you're looking to start eating more fresh veggies don't make your goals too big. Think about smaller goals like eating 1 meal a week. Like a good salad with your favorite beans or meat dish. And remember, if your spouse or children do not like veggies it's quite possible that your family has not had real flavorful produce. Try eating real food from a real farm 1x a week and see how that goes.
-Tips From The Farm-
When planting a garden or starting a farm, remember that a variety of vegetables is really critical for success. When you start planting, ask a grower who is successful what they plant and seed. If you fail, remember it's very possible that you just did not plant the right variety at the right time. And remember to keep the joy in growing food.
-New Products Alert-
Fairytale Eggplant, Zucchini Noodles, Classic Red Slicing Tomatoes