Spring is Here--Another Farm Update
Hello! We have been loving this spring-like weather. The crops are loving the shift in temperature as well as our team! And the children are really happy to be outside running around and getting out all their energy.
This week our good friends over at Bountiful Blessing Farm came and teamed up with us with a completed a much needed drain for our tunnels. It is always great to see and talk with like-minded farmers and talk shop.
This week our tomatoes are in full bloom. It won't be long now before we'll be offering them.
This week we are loaded with all kinds of green goodness!
Spinach, Romaine Lettuce, Green leaf Lettuce, Butter Lettuce, Panissi Lettuce, 3 Gem Pack Lettuce, Farmers Choice Lettuce, Cilantro, Mint, Boc Choy, Tokyo Bekana, Chard, Turnips, Bagged Curly Kale, Celery, Amaranth Micro Green, Micro basil, Micro Greens
Many blessings to you and your family!